May Web Design, LLC

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Introducing Squarespace’s Newest Website Content Editor, Fluid Engine

Squarespace has a new content editor for block sections within pages. The editor that we have been most comfortable with is now called Classic Editor and the new editor is called Fluid Engine. Fluid Engine brings a new flexible design grid system that gives you so many possibilities to create the website you envision.

Fluid Engine allows you to be more creative. It is a drag and drop grid system that looks like the formatting of Canva. I am so happy about the changes they have added:

  • Flexibility of block placement

  • Drag elements around the block

  • Resize images by dragging corners

  • Overlap images

With the grid like editor there is no need for:

  • ·Spacers to position blocks

  • ·Worry about changing block shapes

If you have a website that was built before Fluid Engine was rolled out to Squarespace users, you can opt into Fluid Engine. The new editor will be the standard for 7.1 Squarespace websites so you will eventually need to switch from the Classic Editor if on a Squarespace 7.1 website. At this time Fluid Engine is only supported on English 7.1 websites and new websites created July 2022 or later will automatically be enabled with Fluid Engine.

How to tell if you have the Classic Editor or the new Fluid Engine

If you are in the edit mode of a block and do not see the grid pattern you are in the Classic Editor. To verify, select Edit on a page and Edit Section. If you see the grid pattern you have Fluid Engine.

If you have a 7.1 Squarespace Website and are running on Classic Editor, you can easily switch to the new updated Fluid Editor by selecting Edit on page and select Upgrade in the upper left-hand corner.

If you currently have a Squarespace website you can check which version you have by going to the Home Menu/Help. Scroll down the left hand side and at the very bottom of the section you will see Squarespace and below that it will say Version _.

This is what my Services website page looked like in Classic Editor.


This is what my Services website page looks like in Fluid Engine.

Please note, once you change from Classic Editor to Fluid Engine you cannot go back to the Classic Editor.

A couple items that I’m excited about:

1.     Text Block Background

In the new content editor, you have more freedom within blocks. You can change the color and shape easily in the edit mode.

2.     Fit, Fill, and Shape Blocks

Uploading pictures of different dimensions into Squarespace used to be a nightmare. This feature allows you to display the image within the block. I have tried this on a few pictures, and it seems to work out well.

Squarespace is built so coding is not required. I do not add coding into the website I create because I want my clients to use Squarespace support. Once coding is added outside of Squarespace the support team are not able to help the website owner in that area. The toolkit for Fluid Engine is very user friendly and allows you to update your website with new information. What used to be done only by adding code is now down in the drag and drop content editor. Great news!

Personally, I have enjoyed the flexibility of Fluid Engine as it was rolled out a little early to Circle Members. I use Canva as well, so I was familiar with the grid-based drag and drop formatting.

Squarespace has a great information article all about the new content editor, Fluid Engine. Fluid Engine, Squarespace’s latest content editing experience

May Web Design, LLC refreshes and creates affordable websites that enable clients to take ownership and update themselves on a Squarespace platform. I enjoy helping clients increase customer engagement with a website and improve their overall web presence. The most important part of my business is that when I have completed and reviewed the website with a client, I teach the client how to update their website so that they can keep it fresh and new. A website offers a 24/7 welcome to prospective members, showing them what your business or organization has accomplished and what you plan to do. If built correctly it should welcome people to the site and show them around in a comfortable way.   

If you are interested in discussing the needs of a website for your business or nonprofit organization, contact May Web Design, LLC. Starting out with a basic brochure website may be all that your business or organization needs. Your website should grow with you and change as needed. 

I work with my clients so that I may design the website they envision and, most importantly, teach them how to update their website to keep the information fresh and new. While you are busy building your small business or nonprofit, I can create a website to grow with your dreams. I have a list of services on my website as well as a portfolio of my websites and testimonial from past clients. You may even set up a free 30 minute initial consultation call to discuss your website project.